परीक्षा संपली कि दिवसभर काय करायचे ह्याचा प्रश्न !ह्या वर उपाय आम्हा दोघी माई-लेकीनी असा काढला कि रोज एक नवीन प्रोजेक्ट बनवायचा. तो संपला कि दुसरा. तर आमचा पहिला प्रोजेक्ट वाल पेन्टींग! घरा बाहेर जो व्हरांडा आहे त्याला डेकोरेट करायचा. हा आमचा प्रोजेक्ट संपायला आला आहे. त्याचे काही छायाचित्र पोस्ट केले आहेत. तुम्हाला कसे वाटले जरूर कळवा … आणि हो आमचा पुढील प्रोजेक्ट असणार आहे परी राणींचा बाग…
चप्पल stand ला हि नवीन colour दिला नवीन लूक साठी
संपूर्ण व्हरांडा
Hari Om,
very happy woman’s day, to all the beautiful ladies across the globe.
I saw that there were bunch of morons spreading abusive content regarding Maa
Durga. I was really hurt and pained when I came to understand. My last post had
the mention of it.
belong to Hindustan, my beloved country. Where every woman is Maa Durga’s ansh!
Mine is a proud nation where woman have
contributed for the growth and prosperity of the country since ages.
Vachaknavi a woman of India dated back in 700BC was a Indian Philosopher, she
has also written many shlokas in Rigved. Maitreyi was also philosopher in
ancient India. Woman behind Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the inspiring Jijaau,
she exceptional!, She was the founder of Maratha Empire. Sarojini Naidu the
Nightingale of India, the first woman to become the governor of Indian state. Jhansi
Ki Rani Laxmibai was the face of rebellion of 1857 to get freedom from British-raj.
Aaman Bi a brave freedom fighter who encouraged her sons to fight for the struggle
of freedom , Begum Hazrat Mahal who rebelled against British East India Company.
Janaki Ammal she was a botanist in the year 1921. Smiriti Irani today’s HRD
minister awe inspiring persona who works with dedication and commitment towards
our country. There are infinite number of women who have been outstanding, the mentioned are very few and that does not mean that the one not mentioned are any less. Can it be possible for women like them to achieve their respective goals? Yes when they have Maa Durga’s blessings. These women have worked and have been working for our country’s progress with so much selflessness. Aren’t they Maa Durga’s daughters with fierce energy to destroy darkness and bring light in any and every field? Definitely they are!
महा दुर्गेचा विजय असो
21st century there is no such difference between men and women! Women stand
shoulder to shoulder with men in all professions! True. But her heart is such
that she cannot just come home from office throw her shoes and say - chaha
banav! or after long days' work when she is just about to sleep if her
kids asks her - mom i am again hungry, i want sandwich! She
will get up and do that work no matter how tired she is. And it’s not a big
deal every woman does that without a finch. That's the difference people! That’s
the difference between being a man and being a woman.
matter who is she be it a homemaker, be it a teacher, be it a business head, or
a CEO of a company at heart she is still that caring woman who
handles her home. You know friends when i was staying in Mumbai, I had been to
Kalaghoda(KG) cultural function, we friends were making a move from KG at
around 8.00 pm and just then near Jahangir Art Gallery there was a white car
parked and near it was Shobha Dey busy talking over the phone she
was instructing probably her maid - "teen roti banao aur aloo
ki sabji sahab ke liye, baki ki sabjiyan saf karke fridge mein rakho, aur
kitchen platform clean kardena" I was thinking to myself when the
‘Shobha Dey’ is not spared then main kis khet ki mooli hun... this
is every woman’s episode and its endless. All that I have to say is women are
real karma yogis doing their jobs no
matter what! Kudos!!!
thing I hope is the future daughters should be as fierce and positive as the earlier
ones, with having so much of freedom of speech and so called ideologies they shouldn’t
land themselves in ditches which look flowery but gulps them down. Freedom always
comes with the great responsibility; only joining the winner’s side won’t give
sparks and shines. We must first know what is the winner has won? On whose side
is he winning! What will be the consequences! Sure the new generation is smart enough
to take advises but they prove so till the end.
Hari Om,
Today I am penning the issue that we Indians are facing. It hurts a lot to see where my country is going. I am not a political person or neither somebody who has some benefit by supporting or opposing any political party. I am just the common citizen of my country like you...these are my perspective for the Anti-national issues. Please take time to go through.
Today I am penning the issue that we Indians are facing. It hurts a lot to see where my country is going. I am not a political person or neither somebody who has some benefit by supporting or opposing any political party. I am just the common citizen of my country like you...these are my perspective for the Anti-national issues. Please take time to go through.
On the 9th of February 2016, there was a mass held to protest against India, where it was held? oh! it didnt happen in Pakistan or a Bangladesh or any other country, It happens here on the soil of India. In the government University of the capital. These so called JNU - Jawaharlal Nehru University students were shouting slogans like Bharat ki barbadi tak jang rahegi jang rahegi, and more but typing all those stupid atrocious slogans would pollute my blog space... What were they trying to prove? who were these students? Is this the generation nation banks on? Be it students or anybody one cant shout anti-Bharat slogans! India is such a peaceful and settled nation, budding to grow, so very energetic, and these students (I cant digest that these were students) want barbadi of such nation? I have my kind and sincere piece of advice for these cuteies - go to Syria, you guys will find perfect environment for your further studies and also like minded people. Have fun!
When i was small, like 5 or 6 years old my mom used to tell me stories of Lord Ram, Lord Krishna and Durga Devi... you know my favorite part in Lord Krishna's story was how Goddess Durga or Mahishasurmardhini and Lord baby Krishna are swapped... and how when the bad Kans mama lifts Goddess Baby Durga to crush her head, flies at once in the sky and tells him that his destroyer has been born and has become active!!! I used to laugh and dance to hear that there is always that, good wins over the bad! Now i tell the same story to my little daughter. How millions of people who grew up listening to these epics must have felt when Maa Mahishasurmardhini was denounced? How can one expect that oh it was just students, they are young blood.. We must let them go as elders!!! No, not done my 6 year old daughter when she sees this what will be her position! her future!

India is a free country, there is freedom of speech so i cant blabber about anything! How would one feel if I call al-ism al-ʾaʿẓam a scoundrel. Will people still call freedom of speech? My up bringing is a very positive one so I wont go about blabbering sh#$ about or in the name of religion. Minority needs to be protected oh really! who is facing problems? minority is getting more than enough, so much so that they have the guts to call names to our Deity, talking of breaking our Nation into pieces, making terrorist a hero and playing all crap drama and yet get a clean chit!!!
I call upon my countrymen to stand up for the HINDUSTAN and throw these bastards out of nation. Support India and raise voice against anti-national people, anti-national activity and anti-national politics.

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥४-७॥
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥
Whenever there is decay of righteousness, O Bharata,
And there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth ;
For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers,
For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age
Evil doers your time starts NOW!
गेल्या वर्षीची गोष्ट आहे, दिवाळीच्या वेळेला आम्ही आमच्या कुलदैवतांचे दर्शन करून यायचे ठरविले. पुण्याहून आमचा प्रवास सुरु झाला, आम्ही सोलापूर मार्गे आधी जमखंडी (आमच्या मूळ गावी) येथे पोहोचलो, मग तिथे श्री क्षेत्र कालोळी बालाजीचे दर्शन घेऊन संध्याकाळी बदामीला पोहोचलो. आमचा प्रवास खूपच सुखद होता.
बदामीबद्दल सांगायचे झाले तर, ती ६व्या शतकातले चालुक्यांची राजधानी. हे पुरातन काळाचे कलात्मक आर्किटेक्चर प्रदर्शाविणारी जगप्रसिद्ध स्थळ आहे. आता मी ठरली एक कलाकार, मला ह्या सगळ्याचे खूप वेड आहे. मी तिथे खूप रमली.
तिथून एक अर्धा तासाच्या अंतरावर बनशंकरी देवीचे देऊळ आहे. आम्ही बरोबर लक्ष्मीपूजनाच्या दिवशी पोहोचलो. देऊळ हजारो पणत्यांनी लखलखत होते, आणि ती जगतजननी बनशंकरी सौम्य चंद्रासारखी दिसत होती. आम्ही तिचे दर्शन घेऊन धन्य झालो. अम्बज्ञ .
दुसर्या दिवशी आम्ही सकाळी ५.३० ला देवीच्या मंदिरात गेलो देवीला सहस्त्र तांब्यांनी न्हाऊ घातले मग जवळ जवळ ५० साड्या नेसवल्या. ते दृश्य अद्भूत होते अविस्मरणिय होते. महाप्रसाद घेऊन जेव्हा आम्ही परतीच्या प्रवासासाठी निघालो तेव्हा थोडे वाईट वाटले. पुन्हा परत येऊ असे म्हणत पुण्याची वाट धरली.
परत जातांना पटदकल्लू नावाचे गाव आहे तिथे ६व्या शतकातले दगडावारचे कलाकृती आहेत, खूप सुंदर आहे हि जागा इत्थे एक दोन तास थांबून आम्ही पुण्याला परतलो. त्यचे काही फोटोस share केलेत.
परत जातांना पटदकल्लू नावाचे गाव आहे तिथे ६व्या शतकातले दगडावारचे कलाकृती आहेत, खूप सुंदर आहे हि जागा इत्थे एक दोन तास थांबून आम्ही पुण्याला परतलो. त्यचे काही फोटोस share केलेत.
ह्या स्थळाचे वर्णन आम्हाला दैनिक प्रत्यक्ष वरून पण मिळाले -(
सर्वांनी एकदा तरी इथे जाऊन ही भारतातली आश्चर्यकारक जागा जरूर बघावी.
देवी बनशंकरी
वरचे सिलिंग वर केलेली कारीगरी
गाभार्याचे द्वार
महाविष्णू चे वेगवेगळे अवतार, अप्रतिम नक्षीकाम!!
मुख्य प्रवेश द्वार
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